  • Wison Group

  • Wison Engineering

  • Wison New Energies

My contribution to safety excellence

Release time:2008-06-23

As the 7th national 'Safe Production Month' come around, Wison takes its own steps to highlight the significance of safety in work by holding a sucession of events in June.

In response to the topic 'Eliminate the hazards and prevent the accidents' of the 7th 'Safe Production Month', Wison's events come under the themes of 'My contribution to safety excellence' and 'Green Engineering'. Four major events are to be held in June:

1.'A family letter on safety'

Wison will send greeting letters to the family members of Wisoners working on the project site. The letter explains some major safety hazards involved in project execution and some safety key points. Wison wishes, by this event, to make the Wisoners' families become more concerned about the employees' health and safety, and to give the families an impression of its corporate culture.

2. Dupont's lecture on HSE concepts

Dupont's HSE concepts enjoy a high reputation worldwide. In July, Wison will invite the senior HSE consultants from Dupont to give the Wisoners a one-day lecture on HSE Management, during which our personnel can have an oppoturnity to learn the advanced HSE concepts and practices from the lecturer.

3. First aid training given by Red Cross members

Wison will invite the Red Cross members to visit Wison Science and Technology Park and give the personnel a training on emergency escape, self-help and mutual help in the event of accidents.

4. 'Innovation in action: my ideas on HSE managemen'

In the company's enterprise document management system (EDMS) ten innovation-related topics are established. Wisoners may discuss or give their ideas in the EDMS system; all ideas will be collected and presented to the company's innovation commission, which will assess these ideas. Outstanding ideas will be adopted in the company's future operations and personnel who give these excellent ideas will be well rewarded.

Apart from the above four events, all companies and subsidiaries of the Wison Group will carry out specialized safety inspections and hold their own safety events (which focus on safe production in rainy season) according to their own business scope.

And Wison has exhibited numerous posters on HSE concepts in its Headquarters and subsidiaries. The posters, impressive and deep in thought, have created a good atmosphere of the 'Safe Production Month'.

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