  • Wison Group

  • Wison Engineering

  • Wison New Energies

JZ25-1 Module Drill Lifting

Release time:2010-09-01

On August 16, 2010, along with festive firecrackers, DES module of JZ25-1 project was successfully lifted indicating the completion of land task and kick-off of offshore installation.

It is the second cooperation among CNOOC Tianjin Branch, China Oilfield Services Limited and Wison after their cooperation in the JZ25-1 South project. The land construction started on August 26, 2009 and its major structure was successfully topped off on December 18. It takes 355 days from the commission on land (March 4, 2010) to the completion of commission (April 20, 2010). Facing severe cold or extreme heat, project team members had been sticking to their objectives and purposes of maximizing land construction area as required by the owner. Throughout brainstorm and teamwork, derrick assembly, vertical welding of offshore riser and trial assembly of top rails has been completed, which had maximized land work and reduced the risk of offshore task to the lowest.

By overcoming difficulties and challenges during the course, Wison Heavy Industry completed its high-quality work of the offshore installation and commission within a short period of time. Guided by Wison's vision of Be Trustworthy and Show Respect for Customers, Wison Heavy Industry is making the JZ25-1 module drill into a competitive project to amaze the owner.

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