  • Wison Group

  • Wison Engineering

  • Wison New Energies

Kick-off of the Paraffin Hydrogenation Project Contracted by Wison in Sichuan Petrochemical Company

Release time:2009-11-11

At 10: 18 on Nov. 10, 2009, Wison Engineering, Ltd. held the kick-off ceremony for the 2,700,000t/a paraffin hydrocracker of the refining and chemical integrated project in the site of CNPC Sichuan Petrochemical Company.

The paraffin hydrocracker is an important production plant for dedicated refining process of the refining and chemical integrated project of CNPC Sichuan Petrochemical Company, which is one of the plants with highest pressure in refining plants, with heaviest large equipment weight and highest requirements for construction technology. The project is designed by Sinopec Engineering Construction Corporation (SEI) and contracted to Wison Engineering, Ltd.

Present at the kick-off ceremony are Zhu Baoxing, deputy general manager of CNPC Sichuan Petrochemical Company, Zhang Fuguang, deputy director of the engineering department, Zhou Xin, director of No. 2 Production Department, Tao Dongyuan, minister of Ministry of Commerce, Zhou Dehu, project manager of the paraffin hydrocraking project of Wison Engineering, Ltd in Sichuan Petrochemical Company, and leaders from Lanzhou Quality Supervision Station for Petroleum and Natural Gas and Dalian Engineering and Construction Supervision Company.

Zhou Dehu, on behalf of Wison Engineering Co., Ltd., said that we will strictly control the quality in design, materials and equipment and site works, fulfill the construction works perfectly and endeavor to build the project into a model project with "optimized design, advanced technology, fine equipment, competent organization and formalized management", as a high quality project at the leading level in China and of the first rate in the world, and make it a green project to promote the construction of an environmental-friendly society and to bring benefits to the broad masses of people.

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