  • Wison Group

  • Wison Engineering

  • Wison New Energies

Wison Sichuan Petrochemical Project Management Department won three commendations from the Owner

Release time:2009-12-30

On December 25, 2009, Wison Engineering Ltd., the PC general contractor of six plants in the Sichuan Petrochemical Refining-chemical Integration Project ("Sichuan Petrochemical Project"), won three excellent unit awards in fundamental management, civilized construction, and construction progress, at the 6th construction summit held by PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

Upholding the concept of "meeting and exceeding customer's expectations", Wison has, apart from making technical preparation itself, provided customers with multiple value-added services. For example, the Owner's information management platform planned by Wison has presently served as the comprehensive information control center of the whole project construction, and become the management tool on which the Owner is highly dependent; the 15 key project implementation schemes, construction process specifications and construction schemes prepared by Wison have been listed as standard samples of model schemes of all participating units…Moreover, Wison has, in full combination of the characteristics of the Sichuan Petrochemical Project, optimized the organizational structure and work flows of the Project Management Department, and continued to bring into full play the advantages of Marian materials control system, with the improved materials control flow adapting more to the actual situations of the Sichuan Petrochemical Project. In addition, the excellent fundamental management enables Wison Engineering Ltd., to become the only unit winning the Excellency Award in fundamental management, which fully reflected the Owner's acknowledgement of Wison.

The civilized construction management vigorously pushed by Wison giving priorities to standardized construction and "6S" management and green construction is not only the key point, but also the highlight of Wison's management. Wison also ensured all identifications on site are unified and clear and general layout is orderly and distinct; even all devices have reflected Wison's characteristics of civilized construction. For example, under the circumstances that the cracking furnace field is narrow and small and the construction of the furnace foundation requires large area, Wison tried to enhance field utilization ratio and turnover rate of on-hand materials to reduce field occupation through scientific arrangement of construction orders and seamlessly combining construction nodes. Meanwhile, Wison required construction units to dispatch special persons for civilized construction clean-up, ensuring tidiness of the field. Therefore, Wison has set a good example in overall civilized on-site construction management image for all plants in the Sichuan Petrochemical Project, and won acknowledgements and praises from leaders of both Sichuan Petrochemical and PetroChina.

For progress control is a key procedure in project management, Wison has paid adequate attentions and provided great supports to the realization of progress objectives of the Sichuan Petrochemical Project. In order to ensure the smooth kick-off of the 300,000 tpa LLDPE plant, the first started project of Sichuan Petrochemical, Wison made preparations in various aspects including design, procurement, and construction, and dispatched special persons to coordinate the design matters with the design unit, until the design progress can meet the fundamental conditions required by the starting; Wison procurement team also worked proactively to guarantee the progress of procurement of materials required by the project kick-off through friendly consultation with strategic suppliers; on the project construction site, Wison initiated multisided response mechanisms, and prepared and filed various statements and management documents, while carrying out multiple preparations including on-site temporary facilities construction, field leveling, machinery leasing, and water source preparation, etc., which ensured all progress controlling points of the Project meet the anticipated control objectives.

The Wison's wrapping up three commendations awarded by PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is not only the acknowledgement of efforts made by Wison in the Sichuan Petrochemical Project in 2009, but also the spur-on of Wison to better finish all tasks in the following year.

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