  • Wison Group

  • Wison Engineering

  • Wison New Energies

Two Processes of Wison Engineering Recognized As Proprietary Technologies by CCESDA

Release time:2015-12-15

Two processes developed by Wison Engineering have been certified as proprietary technologies by the China Petroleum & Chemical Engineering Survey and Design Association (CCESDA). They are the Falling-film Heat-exchanger with Differential Absorber Technology for an MTO oil absorption tower and a preliminary water treatment technology for bottom quench gasification technology.

The Falling-film Heat-exchanger with Differential Absorber Technology for an MTO oil absorption tower is tailor-made for Wison’s MTO olefin separation process, and also fit for other similar light hydrocarbon separation plants. It can reduce both the investment cost of the unit and the occupied area of a MTO plant, improve the ethylene recovery rate and decrease energy consumption, thereby markedly improving the light hydrocarbon recovery technical indicators. Data from the running of the actual production indicate that the 300 kta MTO plant which has adopted the proprietary technology saves RMB1.5 million in investment and improves the ethylene recovery rate from 99.7% to over 99.9%, resulting in an economic benefit of over RMB2 million.

The other technology that has been recognized as proprietary is the preliminary water treatment technology for bottom quench gasification technology. It can meet the requirements of preliminary treatment for slag-water effluence, grey water recycling and fine ash removal. The technology was successfully applied in the 1 ktd bottom quench gasification plant which achieved commercial operation in Wison (Nanjing) Clean Energy Ltd. thanks to the cooperation between Wison and Shell. The water treatment technology has not only increased the operational stability of the plant, but also lowered the investment cost of the unit and the plant area occupied. With the adoption of heat recovery technology, the heat recovery rate of whole water treatment process can be increased to nearly 50%.

Wison Engineering has all along been committed to technology research and innovation in the areas of the petrochemical and coal chemical industries. Wison has recently been named as Chemical Industry Technology Innovation Demonstration Company by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF) for the third consecutive time. Using technological innovation as the strategic driver of business growth, Wison Engineering can offer customers integrated solutions which include technology licensing and Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) general contracting services.


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