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Wison Engineering's MTO Separation Technology Obtained Scientific and Technological Progress Award

Release time:2017-12-12

(Shanghai, December 12, 2017) The 2017 Award Presentation Ceremony of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association Award for Scientific and Technological Process was held in Beijing on December 11. The project of "Development and Application of Methanol-to-Olefin Separation Technology" jointly undertaken by Wison Engineering (China) Co., Ltd. ("Wison Engineering", SEHK stock code: 2236), Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing Energy Technology Co., Ltd and Shandong Yangmei Hengtong Chemical Co., Ltd. was awarded the second prize of Scientific and Technological Process from China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association.


Low-carbon olefins such as ethylene and propylene are important basic chemical raw materials. The methanol-to-olefins ("MTO") technology opens up a new line for the production of olefins, which can effectively ease the olefin industry's dependence on petroleum resources. Olefin separation technology is a key component of the full MTO technology.


Wison Engineering's proprietary developed technology of "pre-cutting + oil absorption" for the separation of methanol to olefins, is the earliest to adopt the method of treating by-products of MTO reaction by oil absorption, creating a precedent for oil absorption MTO olefin separation technology and filling the empty space in the international MTO olefin separation technology field. Meanwhile, the pre-cutting technology was applied to the separation of MTO reaction products for the first time, and developed a unique absorber that allows mass transfer of heat and falling-film heat exchange, efficiently enhancing the recovery rate of ethylene products. With Wison Engineering's MTO olefin separation technology, the olefin recovery rate exceeds 99.8% and the aggregate energy consumption is reduced by more than 10% over the traditional cryogenic process. Compared with other technologies domestic and abroad, Wison Engineering's MTO olefin separation technology can increase the ethylene recovery rate by more than 1% and reduce the amount of absorbent used by 25%. It has the advantages of simple-process, low energy consumption and high product recovery rate.


July 2010,the technology was first used on 680kta DMTO-II demonstration device

to achieve technical permission by Pucheng Clean Energy Chemical Co., Ltd.

The MTO separation technology achieved nationwide production for the first time,

breaking the monopoly of foreign olefin separation patent.

In 2014, the device marked its successful start to operations.


September 2013,this technology was applied on 300kta MTO plant

from Nanjing Chengzhi Yongqing Energy Technology Co., Ltd

(formerly known as Wison (Nanjing) Clean Energy Co., Ltd.)

in order to achieve the first commercial operation.


June 2016,in the performance test of 300kta MTO unit

from Shandong Yangmei Hengtong Chemical Co., Ltd.,

product recovery rate of ethylene reached 99.89%,

reaching top standard in the industry globally.


Wison Engineering's MTO olefin separation technology has won a total of three patents and one proprietary technology, achieved strong adaptability with the use of MTO technology of UOP, DMTO of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, SHMTO technology of independent research and development of Shenhua Xinjiang, as well as other methanol-to-olefin reaction technology Supporting. The technology has been certifiedby experts of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association with appraise of reaching the international advanced level and highly competitive in the market. At present, the technology has realized 11 times of technology transfer, forming a production capacity of 4.78 million tons. Four sets of devices have been put into operation, and it is the largest market share of methanol to olefin separation technology.

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