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China's Ambassador to Venezuela Visits the Puerto La Cruz Refinery Deep Conversion Project of Wison Engineering

Release time:2016-04-01

Mr. Zhao Bentang, China's ambassador to Venezuela, and his wife, had a visit to the Puerto La Cruz Refinery Deep Conversion Project of Wison Engineering while toured the site of the project during their recent visit to Estado Anzoátegui.

Mr. Zheng Shifeng, Senior Vice President of Wison Engineering briefed the ambassador on the general situation of Wison Engineering's overseas projects and its project progress in Venezuela. " Ambassador Zhao’s visit is a great inspiration to Wison Engineering,” Mr. Zheng said. ”As the general contractor of the Puerto La Cruz Refinery Deep Conversion Project, Wison Engineering has brought into fully its project management experience and the partners’ edge and has built a powerful alliance of both domestic and overseas companies, crafting an international project management team.” The project team has recently won the ”Best Quality Management Team of 2015 Prize”, granted jointly by the client Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) and the management company CONFEED. This amply illustrates the international management and project execution capabilities of Chinese engineering contractors.

Wison Engineering has successfully adopted the localization strategy while execution. At the peaktime of project, 300+ local empolyees are involved in the project. ”We fully respect and pay much attention to the local culture and traditions of the countries in which we operate and the relations with local communities,” explained Mr. Zheng, “We have performed several measures including setting up a charity fund, increasing the labor subsidy for Venezuelan employees and participating in local environmental protection activities. A positive image in Venezuela of Chinese companies has been established.” 

Project Background:

The IV of Wison Engineering and Hyundai won the Puerto la Cruz Refinery Deep Conversion Project of PDVSA in 2012. In this project, the pipeline modules are fabricated by Wison Offshore & Marine in Nantong Base in China and then delivered to Venezuela in batches. The first batch of pipeline modules have already been hoisted into place.

In 2013, Wison Engineering was awarded the Site Preparation Project by PDVSA. This was at the time the largest oil-refinery project that Chinese corporations had ever won in Venezuela. Since work started, the Site Preparation Project has been proceeding fully according to the schedule. Now the main plant area is being transferred to the project owner in stages, and the project has accumulated a total of 3,500,000 safety working hours. Furthermore, the Site Preparation Project of Wison Engineering has recently won the "Best Quality Management Team of 2015 Prize", jointly awarded by PDVSA and the project management company CONFEED, and Wison Engineering has become the first engineering contractor to win the quality management commendation awarded by PDVSA.

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