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Caring about Society and Education —Wison Engineering's RPLC Site Preparation Project Organized a Charity Activity for Community Schools in Venezuela

Release time:2016-05-20

A charity campaign was recently held in remote Latin America by Wison Engineering’s RPLC project department in Venezuela to visit community schools focusing on the theme of environment protection.

Four colleagues of Wison Engineering went to three junior schools: Cacique Paisana, Tomas Mogna and Andres Elog Blauco. The two Venezuelans among them delivered a meticulously prepared lesson about environmental protection to students and showed a short film about plants and animals and environmental protection. The HSE manager of the project shared Chinese traditional culture with the students and expressed the hope that they would be able to go to the Confucius Institute one day to feel the charm of Chinese culture. He encouraged students to study in China and, as adults, to become the messengers of friendship between China and Venezuela. All the students eagerly showed their curiosity about and yearning for China. 

Our four colleagues presented study and sports articles to the children at the end. The happy learning experience and thoughtful gifts left the Venezuela children with a good impression of these uncles and aunts from Wison Engineering.There wasn't a child left whose face wasn't lit up with a smile. 

During the two-day activity, the volunteer group of Wison Engineering held five lectures about environmental protection in three schools. A total of around 220 students and teachers participated. Rerys Calderón, one of the school headmasters said:” Wison Engineering is the first international company that comes to our school and shows their care about my students, I really appreciate the concern from Chinese companies about Venezuelan children.”

For more than a decade, Wison Engineering has been caring about society and education. By building Hope Primary Schools and setting up scholarships such as the “Innovation Award Fund”, Wison Engineering has given many poor students in China the chance to be educated. This current charity activity — faraway in the southern hemisphere — is an extension of Wison Engineering immersing itself in the local culture through care and concern. We hope that there will be more and more enterprises and social institutions joining Wison Engineering to root for basic education and environmental development! 

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